SET SEG Foundation
The SET SEG Foundation has been giving back to students in Michigan since 2005, with the mission to enable students to pursue enrichment opportunities that advance learning, leadership, and civic responsibility by providing services, scholarships, grants, and other forms of financial support directly to Michigan public schools and students.
What we do
Through the generosity of our donors, the Foundation directly empowers Michigan students by funding the following programs:
- Education Excellence Awards: Ten school districts awarded $2,500 each honoring outstanding educational programs throughout Michigan.
- Summer Leadership Camp Scholarships: $26,000 given annually in full scholarships for Michigan students to attend Camp.
- Skilled Trade Scholarships: $500 scholarships awarded to students working toward graduating from technical career programs.
The SET SEG Foundation is recognized by the State and Federal governments as a philanthropic, nonprofit organization. Contributions to the Foundation may be eligible for tax deduction, depending upon the donor’s tax status.
If you have any questions or would like to contact the Foundation, please reach out to